
"Education should no longer consist mostly in the transfer of knowledge; it must take on a new format, seeking liberation of human capabilities".

Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr Montessori’s educational idea revolutionised children’s upbringing and education. Montessori dedicated her life to exploring the nature of child, its potential and needs. Her research comprised children of various cultural, religious, racial and social backgrounds. Her educational approach was scientific and verified by the results of comprehensive development of the children in her charge.

Maria Montessori laid the foundations for a new concept of educational process based on self-reliance, freedom, thinking outside of the box, belief in own strengths and capabilities, focusing on exploring own needs, confidence in the world, empathy and community initiative.

In this particular work with children it is essential to create a prepared environment with appropriate materials, undisturbed and calm activities following prescribed principles.

The Silence Lesson is one of our distinctive activities. It is the time when children have a chance to look into their inner self. Engaging all the senses, they open to exceptional learning about themselves and the world. Teachers use a range of exercises prepared according to this approach, developing an atmosphere of concentration and awareness, directing and guiding the children in the process. They speak softly and convey simple and clear messages. As a result, the children begin to see and experience a number of means of communication and cognition that go beyond the language. They start to learn the valuable skill of reflection and self-concentration.